function disableselect(e){return false} function reEnable() {return true} function disableS() { document.onmousedown= disableselect; document.onclick= reEnable; } function enableS() { document.onmousedown= reEnable; document.onclick= reEnable; } document.onselectstart = document.oncontextmenu = new Function("return false"); disableS(); function addEvent(obj,event,fct) { if( obj.attachEvent) obj.attachEvent('on' + event,fct); else obj.addEventListener(event,fct,true); } function init() { var elm1 = document.createElement("div"); = "header"; document.getElementById("fond").appendChild(elm1); document.title="WebShare, the user-friendly web-FTP file explorer."; xmlexp = getNewXMLHTTP(); xmlexp.onreadystatechange = triggerInit;"GET", "moteur/checkcookies.php", true); xmlexp.send(null); return false; } function triggerInit() { if ((xmlexp.readyState == 4) && (xmlexp.status == 200)) { var elm3 = document.createElement("div"); = "invite"; elm3.className = "invite"; if (xmlexp.responseText==1) elm3.innerHTML = "
WebShare, the user-friendly
webFTP file explorer.

Enabling cookies
is required to use Webshare
on your browser.

"; else elm3.innerHTML = '
' +'' +'
Please enter your login :
' +'
' +'
' +'
' +'
' +'

Note : Removing or modifying the name of the author by a different name (and / or logo) is strictly prohibited.

The author can in no case be responsible for any problems using the software, or even for use that is made of the software (including criminal and / or fraudulent). Shared documents are under the sole responsibility of the user.

For more informations, please report to the terms of the GPL license.

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